Tuesday, January 17, 2006
  My Running Experience...
LOG: Dec 20 : 2.0 miles run : 20 minutes

Started my relay training today. Just wanted to see how long I can run. It was tough. I was sweating, breathing hard and I barely completed my 2 miles of run (actually 1.5 miles of run and 0.5 miles of walk). I didnt have any measuring instruments. So, I made a conservative estimate of 1.5 miles. Though Shoba said that it was only 1 mile, I had to plead my way into convincing her that it was indeed 1.5 mile. I didnt realise the actual mile of 2 till Dec 27 when I really calculated the actual distance.

LOG:Dec 21 : 2.0 miles run : 20 minutes

My legs were tired and sore because of the previous day's run. I thought I shouldnt give up just because my legs hurt. So, my run today was more to prove myself that I can sustain tough conditions into running. I completed 2 miles at almost the same pace as the previous day. Towards the end, I decided that relay running is not for me. I was quite exhausted towards the end. I followed Shoba's advice of sprinting, which I later figured out was not a good idea. Again, 1.5 miles of run and 0.5 miles of walk.

LOG:Dec 23 : 3.8 miles walk : 60 minutes
I had read in a book that I should either rest between 2 consecutive days of run and do cross training. So, I figured that, I will walk and see how far I can walk. I made sure that I do a brisk walk inorder to convince myself that it was not just a walk. It went very well. I wasnt tired a bit. The only problem that I had towards the end was that, the mid section of my feet had a peculiar pain, as if something is broken at the mid-point. But then, I completed the walk. I also heard from my friend Sri (who has already run a full marathon) that stretching before and after you run is vital. So, I took some print outs from web on how to stretch. So, I followed it once I went home. It felt like a great relief to me. I felt very good and the pain didnt seep in as much as it used to in the first 2 days. Felt good.

LOG:Dec 25 : 3.8 miles run : 45 minutes
Well, today, my only aim was to run the same stretch as I had walked without stopping anywhere. I figured that, if I can walk for 4 miles without getting tired, there should be a sweet spot to the pace at which I am running which should help me complete 4 miles without any problem. So, I started off slowly. I completed my 2 miles (one side of the creek) and I was breathing regularly and I thought, I will try the other side of the trail as well. I finished it and still was breathing regularly. So, I decided to sprint a little bit towards the end and when I reached home, I was just perfectly fine. I had a feeling that I could have run a little more further. But then, the book advises to improve the mileage gradually. I did my stretches and it felt great. My calf muscles had a little pain. But, I guess, if you run for 4 miles, you are bound to have some impact. All these days, I thought that the 4 mile run was actually 3 miles since I didnt have any measuring device. My friend Sri dropped by on Dec 26 and gave me his Polo watch and the book about how to train yourself for Marathon.

WEEK 1 LOG: 11.6 miles

LOG:Dec 27 : 4.0 miles run (49 minutes)

I wanted to get up and 7:15 today, but then, as I always am, slept till 8:10. Got up and started getting ready only to see that it was drizzling outside. I wasnt sure if I wanted to run today. I checked up the forecast and I saw that, it was showers for today and rain tomorrow. So, if I dont run today, then, I most probably wont tomorrow as well. I didnt want to give a 2 days break. So, I put on my sweat shirt and started to run. Now, I had my Polo watch as well. My initial idea was to run 2-3 miles (cover oneside of the creek), just to make sure how many miles it is and then return back home. I started a little too fast (I checked Polo and it recorded 0.25 miles in 2 minutes) and I was feeling short of breath. I slowed down and maintained the pace. I completed both sides of the creek and I ran some extra distance so that I can complete 4 miles. The time recorded 49 minutes. I was quite happy that, I have been running more miles than I thought I had. I was not tired at the end and I felt very great. I started thinking that, getting to 5 miles or more shouldnt be a big deal, now that I have covered 4 miles.... May be, my swimming helped me in improving my lung capacity. Thanks to Luba Pohilenco (my swimming coach).

LOG:Dec 29 : 3.04 miles run (35.08 minutes)

Today, my aim was to run 3 miles, so that I can run 3 miles tomorrow and run the 5 miler on Sunday. Though I was contemplating between running 4 miles today and run 5 miles on Saturday, I ignored the option after reading the "non-marathoner's guide". I completed my run without any problem. I was happy about the pace as well. It has come to 11.5 minutes approximately. Need to run 3 miles tomorrow and then, I will be all set to run my 5 miles. Right now, I dont see any reason why I cannot make it.

LOG:Dec 30 : 3.80 miles run (43.40 minutes)

Today, my aim was to run 3 miles, so that I can do 5 miles day after tomorrow on Sunday. As I started running, I felt that I should do more than 3 miles before I do the 5 miler. So, I thought I should do atleast 3.5 miles. The run was smooth except that I had to run against the wind for almost 1.25 miles on the creek. The wind was quite cold. But, I got through it and completed successfully. When I reached home, it was 3.8 miles. Though I could have done 4 miles, I thought I will stop. Tomorrow is a rest and day and hopefully complete the 5 miler on sunday.

LOG:Jan 1 : 5.01 miles run (59 minutes)

Today was a very cold day and as I woke up, I heard the sound of rain outside. As I saw rain through my window, I decided that I was not going to run. To convince myself, I logged onto check the weather. It said that there would be noon rains and PM thunderstorms and the fitness comfortability index was 1 (in a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 being the best condition for outdoor fitness activities). So, I convinced myself that it was okay to not run today. By now, the rain was over and I started re-evaluating my decision. Yes, I decided to run. I thought to myself, I will settle for 3 miles if the conditions are worse. It was windy and the wind-chill factor should have made the temperature in the higher 30s. Though the onward journey in the creek trail was very easy, the other side was sickeningly tough since I had to weather the heavy wind (must have been 40-50 mph easily). Anyway, I just decided that if I can do 5 miles in this weather, I should be able to do it under any condition. So, I continued and finished, without stopping anywhere.... It was a great morale booster to me. My plan to run the Embarcadero 10K race was further affirmed by this experience.

WEEK 2 LOG: 15.85 miles

LOG:Jan 3 : 3 miles run (30.53 minutes)

I was very confident that I will be able to run 3 miles very easily. So, I decided to be a little cocky and get ahead of myself. So, I decided to do the 3 miles run with 11 minute/mile pace (my internal goal was 10 min/mile...:)). I started running with a 9 minute pace and was getting tired even before I hit the 0.5 mile mark and decided to slow down a little. By the time I hit the 1.5 mile mark, I was doing 11 minutes/mile and I was feeling okay since that was my original goal. I tried out some of those tempo runs in the middle to keep the pace/mile number low. I also wanted to make sure that I dont run out of fuel and stop at any time. Eventually, I completed the 3 miles in 30 minutes 53 seconds which is close to 10 minutes 18 seconds pace. So, I figured that I settled down in the middle between my internal and actual goal. It felt great. If I can do the 10K race at this pace, it would be great. Let me see how my 4 mile run tomorrow goes... I am planning to try a new trail tomorrow.

LOG:Jan 4 : 4 miles run (42.54 minutes)

Today, I started with a double mind. Given that I did an almost 10:30 pace per mile yesterday, I was wondering if I should follow through with that or reduce my pace and complete my 4 miles and not really worry about the pace. I took the new trail today. I headed off a little fast and then I made sure that I kept to the pace of less than 11 minutes a mile. In the middle of the run, I just forgot about the pace and just wanted to enjoy the scenery that I was passing through. I wasnt very tired and I finished the run fairly easily. Towards the end, I just wanted to beat the 44 minute timeline to keep up to my local goal of bettering 11 minutes per mile and I DID it. The pace today comes to around 10 minutes and 44 seconds.

LOG:Jan 6 : 3 miles run (29.22 minutes)

I had actually planned to run yesterday evening and then I had to postpone it due to other meetings. I got to wear the new ASIC shoes and the new sweat absorbing t-shirt today. I didnt see any major difference. I ran quite comfortably. I wanted to break the earlier record of 30 minutes 53 seconds and hence I pushed myself a little harder which manifested in the form of more breath. I probably should ignore my timing and just focus on the run. Anyway, I completed the run at a pace of 9 minutes 47 seconds, a little shy of the magic 10 minute mark. I am quite elated. At the same time, I have to run the 6 mile this Sunday. My only goal there is to complete 6 miles. It doesnt matter even if it took 12 minutes or more... Overall, I think my stamina is improving and I am remaining very positive about the 3 or 4 mile runs, which is terrific.

LOG:Jan 8 : 6.5 miles run (1 hrs 11 minutes)

I planned to run my 6 miler with my friend Sri and Mano. We planned to start at 7:00AM in the morning and hence I got up at 6:15 and went to Sri's place from where we went to the trail where we ran. I had enough carbs yesterday (pasta) to make sure that I have enough energy. It was damn cold in the morning, but a very pleasant one especially given the scenic path. Mano had some back pain and bailed off. So, Sri and I started running. Running with a partner made a big difference. I didnt have to visualise anything since I had someone to talk to, especially my dear friend Sri. We talked all the way along and completed 6.5 miles quite easily. I was quite happy about the performance. My next major goal is 10 miles. I am confident that the 7 mile run next week should be fairly easy.

WEEK 3 LOG: 16.5 miles

LOG:Jan 10: 3 miles run (29 minutes)

Today's run didnt have any remarkable moments except that I ran without the POLAR watch. So, I didnt have a notion of the pace. Anyway, since I knew what it takes to complete 3 miles, I was quite confident and finished it on time. My pace was a little high, so I breathed a little more than I normally breathed. But, as part of my assumption that 3 miles can build endurance in the body, I am hoping that I was in the right track. Planning to do a 5 miler on thursday and possibly an 8 miler by the end of the week.

LOG:Jan 12: 6.5 miles run ( 1 hour 3 minutes ): 11:36 AM

I was initially going to run with the ILP group today. Since shoba's appt., got extended, I decided to run from home. I was going to run a 10K along with ILP. So, one part of me told me that I should stick to it. On the other hand, I was getting hungry and I thought I should go with just 4-5 miles. I started running slowly and I felt great and I wasnt tired. So, I kept up the momentum and completed my 6.5 miles. It was a new experience to run in the noon. If I can do my 3 mile run tomorrow, I will be all set for the Sunday run. Given that I might go to ski on saturday, I will probably end up running a 10K on sunday rather than the 8 miles... Let us see..

LOG:Jan 13: 3 miles run (29 minutes ) : 8:35 AM

I had an initial temptation to skip today's run since I was going to ski tomorrow and had to do a long run on Sunday. But, I then changed my mind since this isnt such a big run after all. I can do it and I did it. I didnt feel a thing. It was a casual run. My thighs had gotten a little bruised from yesterday's run. I have to figure out how to avoid it. Sri's suggestion is to apply Vaseline. I might fish out for a good undergarment which might ameliorate this effect.

LOG:Jan 14: 7 miles run ( 1 hour 10 minutes) : 7:40 AM

I wasnt sure if I wanted to do today's run since I've been running for the past 2 days. Anyway, since I had to ski on Sunday, I decided to go ahead and do the run. Though I decided that I should 6.2 miles, I told Shoba that I will settle for 4 miles. Anyway, this was my first ILP group run. I was there on time (inspite of the pouring rain) and saw just 1 person in Campbell parking lot. Anyway, folks joined slowly over time and we started running at 7:40. Since trail was closed in about a mile, we had to take a detour. Almost 5 people dropped out when we reached Dell Avenue. I was with 4 others and we continued. Indira turned back when we reached the creek. Kannan, Sriram and I continued. We probably did another extra mile into the creek and then turned back. When I asked Kannan, he said that we should have done 7-7.2 miles when we reach back. I was quite comfortable throughout and it felt great, given that I had run for the past 2 days. And I did it in a reasonably good pace (10 minutes a mile).

WEEK 4 LOG: 19.5 miles

LOG:Jan 17: 4 miles run (36 minutes) : 8:42 AM
I had a small cramps after the skiing that I did on Sunday. Wasnt sure if I will be able to make it today. But, I felt good yesterday evening. So, I was hopeful that it would be okay. I did the 4 mile run today quite comfortably. I ran a little faster and I knew that..:).. Anyway, I finished it. I am planning to not run tomorrow since I did a blood donation today. Will probably run with Kannan & Co.

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